
Why are Women More Prone to Thyroid Problems?
While anyone can develop thyroid diseases, women are more susceptible to them than men. Thyroid gland disorders can also affect...
Low Female Sex Drive? A Sign of Testosterone Imbalance
It is true that women produce testosterone, which is often regarded as a hormone primarily associated with men. However, women...
Getting Pregnant with PCOS: Why is it harder?
If you have received a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), you may have been informed that it can make...
5 Myths Of PCOS
When you are diagnosed with certain medical conditions, they have the potential to drastically change your life. It's natural to...
How Do Hormones Affect Our Sleep
Can you recall a time when you felt rejuvenated, concentrated, well-rested, and prepared to face the day? If those moments...
女性生殖系統和相關行為受女性性激素控制,女性性激素在月經開始、月經週期、與女性氣質相關的獨特身體特徵的發展、懷孕、分娩和母乳喂養等各種生殖過程中起著關鍵作用.為了更好地了解影響女性生殖系統的激素,讓我們進一步探索。 什麼是激素及其用途 激素是控制和調節體內某些細胞和器官活動的物質。它們由稱為內分泌腺的腺體產生,內分泌腺沒有導管。 激素可以由蛋白質或類固醇組成,充當身體的信使系統,有助於維持平衡和穩定(體內平衡)。它們通過血液被攜帶到全身。 不同的腺體會產生不同的激素,以實現一系列功能。例如,甲狀腺分泌甲狀腺素,有助於調節新陳代謝。 女性荷爾蒙 女性體內有幾種激素是由內分泌系統的腺體自然產生的。雌激素和孕激素被認為是女性荷爾蒙,在女性的生殖健康中發揮著重要作用。睾酮是一種雄性生殖激素,在女性體內也有少量存在。女性生殖系統中涉及的其他激素包括 LH、FSH、催乳素、hCG、催產素和加壓素。 值得注意的是,雖然某些激素通常與特定性別相關,但它們同時存在於女性和男性身上。 不同類型的女性荷爾蒙及其功能 雌激素是最著名的女性性激素,由腎上腺、卵巢和脂肪組織產生。它有助於青春期乳房的生長、月經週期中子宮內膜的生長以及保持骨骼強度。男性體內也含有少量雌激素。 黃體酮是另一種在腎上腺組織和卵巢中產生的激素。它在月經週期的後半段發揮作用,形成子宮內膜,以便在排卵後植入卵子。絕經後,黃體酮的產生開始減少,這可能導致情緒波動、易怒、抑鬱、體重增加、骨質疏鬆症和關節痛等症狀。 人絨毛膜促性腺激素 (hCG)是女性體內自然產生的另一種激素。在懷孕期間,hCG 在構成胎盤的細胞中產生。它在妊娠尿液和血液檢查中均有發現。 hCG 有助於維持黃體酮的產生,使懷孕期間的身體和子宮內膜保持溫暖。 睾丸激素通常被認為是一種雄性激素,但就像男性體內有少量雌激素一樣,女性體內也會形成少量睾丸激素。這種激素由其他激素(如 DHEA 和...
Why are Women More Prone to Thyroid Problems?
While anyone can develop thyroid diseases, women are more susceptible to them than men. Thyroid gland disorders can also affect...
Low Female Sex Drive? A Sign of Testosterone Imbalance
It is true that women produce testosterone, which is often regarded as a hormone primarily associated with men. However, women...
Getting Pregnant with PCOS: Why is it harder?
If you have received a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), you may have been informed that it can make...
5 Myths Of PCOS
When you are diagnosed with certain medical conditions, they have the potential to drastically change your life. It's natural to...


14 Important Questions about Hygiene During Your Period
During menstruation, it is recommended by healthcare providers to rinse the genital area at least twice a day (morning and...
Exercise After Cesarean Delivery: What Is and Isn’t Safe
When trying to return to exercise after giving birth, it is important to take into account various factors. Every birth...
Exercising During Your Period: Benefits and Things to Avoid
Exercising during your period can help alleviate various menstrual symptoms such as pain, cramps, bloating, depression, mood swings, irritability, fatigue,...
How to Sleep When Pregnant: Your Guide to Good Sleep for Each Trimester
About half of expectant mothers have difficulty sleeping, especially during the last six months of pregnancy. Even if you have...
What are Panty Liners for? Are They Good for You?
What is a panty liner? Vaginal discharge is a normal bodily function that some people may choose to manage with...
Diet, Nutrition, and the Menstrual Cycle
There is a mutual relationship between the food you consume and your menstrual cycle. Your diet can influence the functioning...
14 Important Questions about Hygiene During Your Period
During menstruation, it is recommended by healthcare providers to rinse the genital area at least twice a day (morning and...
Exercise After Cesarean Delivery: What Is and Isn’t Safe
When trying to return to exercise after giving birth, it is important to take into account various factors. Every birth...
Exercising During Your Period: Benefits and Things to Avoid
Exercising during your period can help alleviate various menstrual symptoms such as pain, cramps, bloating, depression, mood swings, irritability, fatigue,...
How to Sleep When Pregnant: Your Guide to Good Sleep for Each Trimester
About half of expectant mothers have difficulty sleeping, especially during the last six months of pregnancy. Even if you have...


Period Blood Colors: A Complete Overview
Your period can offer you a lot of information about your reproductive and general health. Things like the duration of...
Hormonal Acne: Causes, Types, and Treatments
An increase in androgens, especially testosterone, can lead to breakouts of acne caused by hormonal fluctuations. Despite being called "hormonal...
Constipation Before Your Period: Causes and Treatments
Some people experience various symptoms every month before their period, such as stomach cramps, muscle pain, and mood changes. Constipation...
Key Facts About Your Daughter’s First Period
It is important to prepare and be supportive when your daughter reaches the age of 12-13 and goes through her...
What is an “Irregular” Menstrual Cycle?
An irregular menstrual cycle is one that deviates from the typical range for an unknown reason. It can be caused...
8 Reasons for Missed Periods or Absence of Menstruation
Not everyone experiences periods with regular frequency. While some people's periods arrive like clockwork every month, others may have irregular...
Period Blood Colors: A Complete Overview
Your period can offer you a lot of information about your reproductive and general health. Things like the duration of...
Hormonal Acne: Causes, Types, and Treatments
An increase in androgens, especially testosterone, can lead to breakouts of acne caused by hormonal fluctuations. Despite being called "hormonal...
Constipation Before Your Period: Causes and Treatments
Some people experience various symptoms every month before their period, such as stomach cramps, muscle pain, and mood changes. Constipation...
Key Facts About Your Daughter’s First Period
It is important to prepare and be supportive when your daughter reaches the age of 12-13 and goes through her...

mental health

4 Reasons to get Premarital Counseling
Despite positive findings, only 36 percent of married or committed couples attend premarital counseling. Smith in 2020 claimed the reason...
What Do I Have: Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?
Is it possible that stress can lead to a miscarriage? Pregnancy can be a combination of joyful and stressful, and...
Create Your Own Parenting Style
Every family is made up of individuals who bring their own strengths, challenges, values, circumstances, cultural influences, and personalities. Because...
What Depression May Be Trying to Tell Us
Until recently, a central tenet of biomedical psychiatry was that depression is caused by low serotonin levels. A recent study has debunked that...
What are Some of the Causes of Mood Swings? Your Emotional Ups and Downs Explained!
Mood swings are a quick and unexplained change in one's mood, which can be normal during teenage years. They can...
How to Deal with Shame and Start Loving Yourself?
Feeling shame occasionally is a normal part of life, but regularly experiencing self-shame can harm mental health and damage relationships....
4 Reasons to get Premarital Counseling
Despite positive findings, only 36 percent of married or committed couples attend premarital counseling. Smith in 2020 claimed the reason...
What Do I Have: Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?
Is it possible that stress can lead to a miscarriage? Pregnancy can be a combination of joyful and stressful, and...
Create Your Own Parenting Style
Every family is made up of individuals who bring their own strengths, challenges, values, circumstances, cultural influences, and personalities. Because...
What Depression May Be Trying to Tell Us
Until recently, a central tenet of biomedical psychiatry was that depression is caused by low serotonin levels. A recent study has debunked that...

reproductive health

How do I Know if I Have an STI?
STIs are a common problem worldwide, with more than one million new infections acquired every day. Despite their prevalence, many...
How to Tell Your Partner You Have a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)
It is important to talk openly about sexual health and to break the stigma surrounding STIs. They are common, especially...
10 Signs of Hormonal Imbalance in Women
Are your hormones out of whack and causing unwanted symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, itchy skin, or low mood? Hormonal...
Can UTI Symptoms Linger After Antibiotics?
When you have a urinary tract infection, it can cause discomfort and can be dangerous if left untreated. However, even...
What is a Yeast Infection?
Yeast infections, also known as thrush, monilia, vaginal candidiasis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, and candidal vaginitis, is a common fungal infection that...
HIV: Sexual Transmission, Risk Factors, & Prevention
Top things to know: HIV is transmitted through the exchange of certain bodily fluids such as blood, semen, breast milk,...
How do I Know if I Have an STI?
STIs are a common problem worldwide, with more than one million new infections acquired every day. Despite their prevalence, many...
How to Tell Your Partner You Have a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)
It is important to talk openly about sexual health and to break the stigma surrounding STIs. They are common, especially...
10 Signs of Hormonal Imbalance in Women
Are your hormones out of whack and causing unwanted symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, itchy skin, or low mood? Hormonal...
Can UTI Symptoms Linger After Antibiotics?
When you have a urinary tract infection, it can cause discomfort and can be dangerous if left untreated. However, even...
Female Ejaculation: What Exactly is it? All Your Questions Answered
Female ejaculation is a natural phenomenon that occurs in some people with vulvas during sexual activity. It involves the release...
Let’s Talk about Squirting
Some key points to know about female ejaculation: Women can ejaculate too! There is nothing wrong or shameful about squirting....
When to Start Birth Control: You’re Thinking about Having Sex for the First Time
It can be difficult to know when to start using birth control and which option is best for you. Here,...
Masturbation Myths
Key points to remember: Masturbation is a normal and common practice. Masturbation does not cause the loss of virginity, as...
Period Sex 101
Having sex during menstruation is a personal choice and can be healthy and beneficial. It is important to note that...
The Science of Sexual Satisfaction
A happy sex life is a crucial component of a fulfilling life. A happy sex life means different things to...
Female Ejaculation: What Exactly is it? All Your Questions Answered
Female ejaculation is a natural phenomenon that occurs in some people with vulvas during sexual activity. It involves the release...
Let’s Talk about Squirting
Some key points to know about female ejaculation: Women can ejaculate too! There is nothing wrong or shameful about squirting....
When to Start Birth Control: You’re Thinking about Having Sex for the First Time
It can be difficult to know when to start using birth control and which option is best for you. Here,...
Masturbation Myths
Key points to remember: Masturbation is a normal and common practice. Masturbation does not cause the loss of virginity, as...

Symptomps & disease

Endometriosis 101
Key points to remember: Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows in other...
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Effective Treatment
Risk factors Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects the endocrine system, sex hormone levels, and metabolism. This...
Period Cramps 101: Why Menstrual Cramps Happen, and How to Relieve Them!
Key points to remember: Menstrual cramps are likely caused by an excess of prostaglandins, which are released from the uterine...
Does Birth Control Help with PMS and PMDD, or Make it Worse?
Here are some key points to remember: Mood symptoms (irritability, moodiness, anxiety) that occur during PMS and PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric...
Is it PMS or PMDD?
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe, sometimes disabling extension of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMDD is short for premenstrual dysphoric disorder...
以下是您應該了解的有關乳房疼痛的一些要點: 這是一種正常的經前症狀,通常發生在月經來潮前 5-10 天左右。 週期性乳房疼痛是月經週期的正常部分,通常並不表示有問題。 為緩解疼痛,您可以嘗試穿支撐性文胸、熱敷或冷敷、按摩乳房、服用藥物或草藥和補品、改變飲食或練習冥想。 乳房疼痛和月經週期有什麼關係 週期性乳房疼痛是月經週期的正常部分,以與月經週期相關的特定模式發生。它通常發生在黃體期(排卵後和月經開始前的時間),並在月經開始時消失。有些人還可能因激素治療而出現乳房疼痛,例如節育、生育治療或更年期激素治療。這些治療會引起激素水平的變化,從而導致乳房疼痛。 如何確定您的乳房疼痛是否是周期性的 週期性乳房疼痛是一種遵循特定模式的乳房疼痛,與月經週期有關。它通常發生在月經開始前的 5-10 天內,並在月經開始後消失。疼痛可能會感到酸痛、沉重、壓痛、尖銳或刺痛,並且乳房可能會感到腫脹或腫塊。在某些情況下,疼痛可能嚴重到足以影響身體活動、性生活、學校、工作和睡眠,儘管這種情況不太常見。如果您的乳房疼痛遵循這種模式並且與您的月經週期有關,則很可能是周期性乳房疼痛。 科學支持的乳房疼痛補救措施 您可以嘗試多種方法來緩解與月經週期相關的乳房疼痛。這些措施包括穿著合身且有支撐力的胸罩,使用熱敷或冰袋和輕柔按摩,服用布洛芬或對乙酰氨基酚等非處方止痛藥,嘗試補充劑和草藥,如荊芥或月見草油,制定飲食計劃改變,例如減少脂肪攝入量、練習漸進式肌肉放鬆和正念冥想。如果這些補救措施不起作用,建議去看醫療保健提供者以獲得進一步的治療選擇。 乳房疼痛的原因是什麼? 週期性乳房疼痛是在月經週期期間發生的疼痛,通常在排卵後出現,被認為是由荷爾蒙變化引起的,儘管所涉及的具體荷爾蒙尚不清楚。週期性乳房疼痛的其他可能原因包括體液瀦留、脂質代謝和乳管腫脹。對於許多絕經前的人來說,週期性乳房疼痛是一種正常且普遍的經歷,但持續或集中在一個區域的非週期性乳房疼痛可能是更嚴重的跡象,例如炎症、感染、損傷或癌症。非週期性乳房疼痛應由醫療保健提供者進行評估。懷孕也會導致乳房疼痛和壓痛,如果有可能懷孕,建議進行妊娠試驗。
Endometriosis 101
Key points to remember: Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows in other...
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Effective Treatment
Risk factors Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects the endocrine system, sex hormone levels, and metabolism. This...
Period Cramps 101: Why Menstrual Cramps Happen, and How to Relieve Them!
Key points to remember: Menstrual cramps are likely caused by an excess of prostaglandins, which are released from the uterine...
Does Birth Control Help with PMS and PMDD, or Make it Worse?
Here are some key points to remember: Mood symptoms (irritability, moodiness, anxiety) that occur during PMS and PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric...