Pubic Hair: Everything You Wanted to Know but Were Afraid to Ask

Public hair

Why do we have pubic hair?

There are several theories about the purpose of pubic hair, including helping to regulate temperature, creating a favorable environment for vaginal bacteria, indicating reproductive readiness, helping pheromones attract sexual partners, and protecting the genital area from friction during physical activity or sexual activity. Ultimately, the decision of what to do with pubic hair is a personal choice.

Does the color of our pubic hair matches the hair on the head?

Pubic hair color is determined by the amount of pigment called melanin in each hair. It is not connected to the color of the hair on the head. The color is usually similar to the natural color of eyebrows. As people age, the amount of melanin in the body decreases, which causes hair to lighten and eventually turn gray in both the head and pubic area.

Why does pubic hair grow only to a certain length

Pubic hair grows in cycles, with each hair going through three distinct phases of growth. The first phase is called the anagen phase, which is responsible for the length of the hair. The length of the anagen phase is determined by genetics, but can also be influenced by factors such as hormones and stress levels. For head hair, the anagen phase lasts between three and five years, while for pubic hair it only lasts a few weeks. The longer the anagen phase, the longer the hair will grow.

What is the right way to shave our pubic hair?

It is important to note that shaving your pubic hair carries the risk of cuts and nicks, which can potentially lead to infection. It is also important to use a clean, sharp razor and to properly clean and dry the area before and after shaving. It is recommended to use a moisturizing lotion or oil to help prevent irritation and to avoid using perfumed products as they can be irritating to sensitive skin. If you experience irritation, redness, or bumps after shaving, it is best to avoid shaving until the skin has fully healed. As with any form of hair removal, it is important to be gentle and take care to avoid any potential injuries.

A history on pubic hair removal

Removing pubic hair has been a practice in various cultures and time periods, often for aesthetic or cultural reasons. In the past, various methods including sugaring, waxing, pumice stones, tweezers, and special creams have been used. In modern times, waxing salons have become popular for removing pubic hair, particularly the Brazilian waxing method. It is important to note that removing pubic hair is a personal choice and is not necessary for health or hygiene purposes. There are many methods available for removing pubic hair, so individuals can choose the one that suits them best.

FAQs about pubic hair

Is removing pubic hair necessary?

It is not necessary to remove pubic hair and doing so can carry risks such as cuts, ingrown hairs, and inflammation of hair follicles. It can also increase the risk of sexually transmitted diseases due to small cuts in the skin.

Is hair removal cream safe to use on the pubic area?

Hair removal creams can be used to remove hair from the bikini area, but it is important to avoid applying the cream to the genital area. These creams work by breaking down the chemical bonds of the hair, making it weak and easy to remove by scraping it off.

What happens if I pluck my pubic hair?

Removing pubic hair by plucking it out at the root can be painful and time-consuming. It can also cause irritation, redness, swelling, itching, and damage to the skin. Plucking can also lead to ingrown hairs and infection.

Is it normal to have a lot of hair around my vagina?

It is normal to have hair around the genitals, including the vulva and scrotum. This hair begins to grow during puberty and serves to protect the vagina from dirt and bacteria.

How do I make my pubic hair smooth?

It is possible to soften pubic hair by using various moisturizers, oils, shampoos, and conditioners, or by mixing together ingredients such as cucumber, coconut oil, and lychee. Staying hydrated by drinking enough water can also contribute to smooth pubic hair.

Which is better: shave or wax?

Considerations such as your skin type, the rate at which your hair grows, and the texture of your hair can help you decide between waxing or shaving your pubic hair. If you have sensitive skin, waxing may be more painful than shaving. However, waxing can also cause rashes and irritation. Shaving is generally quicker and less painful, but the decision ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Is armpit hair the same as pubic hair?

Armpit hair and pubic hair are both types of body hair that grow in specific areas of the body. Armpit hair grows in the underarm area and is sometimes referred to as axillary hair. Pubic hair is a type of hair that grows in the genital region and is typically darker and thicker in texture compared to other types of body hair.

Should I shampoo my pubic hair?

There is no need to wash your pubic hair with shampoo. Using shampoos, soaps, or perfumes can disrupt the pH of your vagina and cause irritation and other problems. Washing your pubic hair with warm water is enough to keep the area clean. If you want to use a shampoo or soap, look for pH-balanced pubic washes to clean your pubic hair.

How do I prevent razor bumps when removing pubic hair

To prevent razor bumps when removing pubic hair, it's important to use a good-quality razor and shave in the direction the hair grows. You can also help prevent irritation by cleaning your bikini area with warm water, exfoliating with a wet washcloth or scrub, and using a good-quality shaving cream or gel with natural moisturizing ingredients. It's also a good idea to change the blades on your razor frequently, as more blades can provide a closer shave.

How long does shaving last?

Shaving only removes hair from the surface of the skin, not from the root, so stubble will typically start to grow back after a few days.